Hi, nice to meet you!

Hey, Hi, Hello :) I’m John and I’m a UX Designer.

🙆 I'm a UX designer who enjoys making processes and interfaces more intuitive and actionable. I also have a knack for giving websites visual refreshes and facelifts.

💼 My past work includes focusing on product adoption, user acquisition, brand strategy, and product marketing. Currently, I specialize in website development, CMS architecture, and analyzing online interfaces (websites, landing pages, ads) for conversion points.

❤️ Here are a list of things I enjoy:

  • margherita pizzas
  • Niche sub-culture memes and references
  • Costco hotdogs

🤩 Fun fact: I am also a photographer! Click here for my portfolio.

Header image

My Skillset in a Nutshell.

Things I'm good at.


Efficiently researches and troubleshoots technical issues using online resources.
Shoutout to chatgpt, reddit, youtube, and stack overflow.

Webflow Development

Designing and developing responsive websites with dynamic animations and interactions.

Front-end Web Development

Crafting user interfaces with a focus on performance, usability, and accessibility, designing everything low-code web builders.

Information Architecture

Structuring and organizing content to enhance navigation and meeting customer needs.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Analyzing and optimizing websites and ads to boost conversions such as downloads and sign-ups.

Usability Research

Conducting in-depth research, prototypes solutions, and tests for usability and effectiveness.